gcompressor documentation
create a file
gcompressor makes it possible to
you to compress your files or repertory easily.
clicking on the icon
, you will open the window of selection.
This window is divided into three parts:
first is made up of one limps of data entry
of text and a button.
you can enter limps of text the name of the
file or of the repertory has to compress,
if you do not know the complete address of
this one in entirety to use the button to seek.
caution: to compress a repertory, you must imperatively
double-click especially not it
to leave in intensified brightness, because
you would compress his repertory relative then....
the button to seek, of the window of compression,
helps you has to find,
sources of the file to be created.
Then, you will
have to choose the mode of compression which you wish.
The selection of this mode is done using the
list with choice, it contains
four options:
_ gz for the
files only
_ tar
_ tgz
_ tbz
_ zip.
If you often create the same type of file use
the parameter setting (in the menu) of gcompressor.
you will not have any more whom the file or
repertory has to choose.
self extracted
archives with suffix ".axa" (Auto eXtracted Archive), enables you to
create files which will be décompresseront automatically
in the repertory or it is.
you will not need thus more launch an unspecified
program, or enter a tiresome command on the prompt one for
décompresser your files.
Advanced options.
while clicking on the advanced button "option"
the window of compression increases and contains then new options.
according to the selected type of compression:
For the files with the extension:
"tar tgz tbz"
you have the choice between
these options:
_ to remove the sources = the
sources of the file (the file or selected repertory) will be removed after
the creation of the file.
_ to follow the links
symbolic systems = the link will be to remove but the target of this link
will be copied in the file.
_ to remove them/ names
For the files with the extension:
You have the choice between
these options:
_ password protection = to protect
given file by password.
_ ratio compression = choose value
1 for a fast compression, the size of the file created will be significant.
choose value
9 for a slow compression, my size of the file created will be smaller.
not to mask the advanced options, the modifications would then not be snuff
in account.
the principal window. You see a tree structure. That Ci lists files and repertoire
or file alone of the file which you will compress,
a left clic will permétra you to be unaware
of some fichers during compression.
indeed, you will not desirez can be not, by example,
to include the file "louse" in your file, put in intensified brightness,
then clic left and to be unaware of.
repeter the operation if that is necessary.
however, all the files "louse" of the file will be
for anuler the left operation, clic and anuler.
It is while clicking on this
which you compress the file that you come to create.
clicking on the icon
, you will open the window of selection.
window is made up of one limps of data entry of text and a button.
you can enter limps of text the name of the
file with décompresser,
if you do not know the address of this one
in entirety to use the button to seek.
After having to click on the button "to validate",
the file will then be listed the window of
gcompressor. You can thus control contained
this one.
Then to click
on the button
which will décompressera the file in the repertory selected in
the preferences,
or with the root of your personal repertory
if gcompressor is not configured.
Handling of a
is simple.
To click on the icon
, to select the file to be opened.
Then in the list contained in the window of gcompressor,
select an archival file,
with the right button of the mouse, you open
the contextual menu, which offers the choice to you enters
four options:
_ To remove = to remove the archival file.
_ See = opens the archival file according
to its type-myne, (ex: a file with the mp3 extension will be open
with sox.. etc....).
_ To publish = opens the archival file with the
editor interns gcompressor.
_ To extract = extracted only the file selected in the repertory
defined in the preferences or in the root of your repertory
To check
a file
check a file:
To click on the button
. You will be to invite has to select a file.
One limps of dialogue will
inform you on the state of this one.
To add a file in an archive.
must have opened a file. with the button
A faith the open file to click on the
to select the file to be added.
of gcompressor
publish your preferences to select "preferences" in the menu of gcompressor.
The window of the preferences
is divided into three parts:
_ Choice of the extension :
that which will be used by defect, only to gain a little time during creation
of a file.
Or décompresser : to select the repertory here
or will be stored, the décompressées files.
_ centered mode
: here as for the choice of the
extension, just to save time.